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Tangra Chinese

Tangra Chinese

Tangra Chinese
Tangra Chinese
Tangra Chinese






First Timer Promo!

Enjoy a free Vegetable or Chicken Thukpa Soup on us when you hit minimum spend $60! Promo code: WELCOME60 *Choice of flavour is subjected to item availability.

Tangra Chinese

Tibetan Momos

Awarded Best Dish of the year , 2009, in Singapore Food Festival

Tibetan Momos

Awarded Best Dish of the year , 2009, in Singapore Food Festival

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Tangra Chinese
TANGRA CHINESE - a true fusion of India, China & Tibet

TANGRA CHINESE - a true fusion of India, China & Tibet

The story of our cuisine dates back over a century ago - when the Chinese migrated to Bengal, followed by the Tibetans.A new multicultural taste was born with a variety of dishes ranging from the sweet and sour to the fiery Szechwan.
Befitting today's multicultural society of Singapore.Your quest for the fifth taste ends here !